Healthy LifeStyle
Old Floorball Jersey
HI! There I am Muhammad Firdaus.
More about me I am interested in sports since young.
The first sport that got me going was soccer,
well back then was Singapore Cup.
So in primary school team I hold the position as a winger.
I then got my eyes open to badminton all becoz of my dad who played for the Community Club.
Since then I join the badminton club
in my primary school.
So I stay true to badminton till Secondary school,
I change my view in secondary school becoz of the many different choice to select from, the one I join are
As for other activity I did in secondary school was the
- interclass and house soccer
- interclass and house badminton,
- interclass and house captainball
- interclass and house netball(combine).
I follow on to ITE where I am introduce to more CCA.
The CCA that got my attention were the
- badminton club
- Student Council
- floorball team.
As for ITE
- intercourse soccer
- intercourse streetsoccer
- inter-ITE floorball games.
A guy got to do what a guy had to do which is the National Service,
while serving I participate in
- inter-platoon soccer
- bowling.
Now I am currently in polytechnic and still involved in sport
but only floorball as I am in the school team.
So now you can see that all my life,
I am deeply invloved in sports activity.
So as you guys can see that I took alot
of sports to know which one is right so how do you choose your sports???
Banyak nyer sports Fi join.
KC 1 nk join badminton.
Jadi bleh tinggi.
Dah tu je.
Well, i guess enrolling one self in trial and errors help to narrow down to the right CCA.
Ok, its only trials.. No errors. Ooops. Got carried away.
That is true but you will not be content as there are many sports and new sports may be created as we are speaking. For me experiencing the sport for myself will help me gauge it and decide.
i agree that in order to have a healthy lifestyle, exercising is essential. nice blog(:
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