Monday, December 22, 2008

What are alternative sports?? Are they really sports??



There are varies types of alternative sports. Examples of alternative sports

and much much more.

For me a definition of an alternative sports are sports that include a nature elements into it (eg.mountain climbing) or a entire different sports using conventional equiptment like cups for drinking.(eg cup stacking).

Alternative may not sounds interesting to some people for example cup stacking but I can tell u this that not all people can do cup stacking that fast.

This question had been featured in one of a local tv programme called "octo live" and they challenge local basketball national players to compete with them and they admit that cup staking is not easy.

From my point of view many more alternative sports will be created in near future as people are more creative and adventurous in doing activities.

Whether it is alternative sports or plain old sports, I guess both of them have many same qualities examples:

  • Both can make a person mentally and physically fit.
  • Need commitment
  • Both neat years or dedication to be good in what your are doing
  • Be sure that sweat are involve
  • Have fun in what ure are doing is the most important thing.

Monday, December 15, 2008

What do sportspersons normally do.

A beach in Sentosa

yoga posture

Well, when they are not doing their sports, they would normally condition their body either by running or weights training.

They would do a number of cycle or raps that will not exert their body.

Mentally they would clear their mind by doing yoga or listening to music.

Then another thing that they will do is to maintain a balanced diet.

They would normally drink plain water and eat food that are good for the body example yogurt, vegetable.

They would also cook the food with lesser oil.

They may even spent time with their family member to outings like a vacation or a just a walk to places like Bukit Timah or Sentosa.

They may also find alternative sports for example rollerblading or cycling just as to keep them fit or preoccupied.

Another activity that helps to maintain the person's fitness without straining their muscle is that swimming. Swimming help to exercise or recuperate those strain muscle but without exerting them.