Ways and means of improving ones physical

Many people dream of being able to jump high or running for miles but they dont want to exercise. Well, thats is not the way as in order to be able to get what you want in life or other thing you need to have decipline and the drive to get it.
Well, I will be helping people with some tips in improving oneself that is related to sports.
There are many ways to increase stamina and here are some of the easier wyas to do that.
- Skipping can help to improved stamina. Just start small when getting started and do it daily. When you are comfortable with the number then try increasing the duration for a few weeks.
- Running on the spot is almost like your normal run but without the distance. Try running on the spot for about 2-3 mins for starters daily and as days past incrased the duration to 5 mins or more.
- Swimming is another form or increasing stamina. Just swim in any style be it backstroke ot butterfly and make a habit of swimming at least 30mins everyday.
- Cycling also build stamina as it is like cycling but on wheels. For staters they can ride for about 1 hour and then progressively increased the duration. This goes same for roller blading.
Improving muscle gains are also important as if the muscle are constantly resting and not doing work it will turn flabby. Here are some tips to improve that.
- Start by taking light meals more often and take the food that benefits the growth of muscles. Create this diet regularly as this can improved the flow of nutrients in the body.
- Do go to gym more often as to regulate the muscle used and to tone it. Do the compound exercises as it will not concentrate on only 1 or 2 muscle group. (eg squats, bench press.)
- Do some weight weight training as to improve or enhanced exercised and make the muscle work more even if the repertition is the same
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